Day 3: Flexible Endoscopy in Ferrets and Rabbits

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About the webinar

Gastrointestinal diseases are common complaints in ferrets and rabbits. Although routinely used in cats and dogs, little information is available about flexible endoscopy in ferrets, apart from a few references in biomedical research articles. Recent technical advances, especially in smaller videoendoscopy, have both decreased the diameter and purchase price of flexible endoscopes. General practitioners now have affordable access to suitably sized endoscopes for ferrets that provide high-quality images. The relatively simple and short gastrointestinal tract of ferrets makes them ideal candidates for flexible endoscopy. Rabbits however due to the fact that fasting could led to some life threatning complication are not the best candidates for GI flexible endoscopy. But new techniques could allow these techniques to be perform in rabbits.
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Note: This webinar is being recorded. If you are unable to attend the live lecture, a link to the recording will be shared with you a few days following the lecture.


Charly Pignon

DVM, DECZM (Small Mammal)

Charly Pignon was graduated in 2005 from Alfort National Veterinary School (France) and did his veterinary thesis on a wildlife conservation project in Cambodia. Then he worked in the wildlife rescue center in Alfort and worked in Paris Zoo (la Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes). In 2009, Charly Pignon completed an Exotic Medicine Internship at Tufts University and when he came back to France he created the Exotic Medicine Service in Alfort National Veterinary School. Charly Pignon is a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Small mammals), a board member of Yaboumba (French association for continuing education in exotic and wild animals), a former president of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarian, a former member of the executive committee of the ECZM and a current member of the Standards Quality Assurance Committee of the European Board of Veterinary Specialist. He received the 2023 Oxbow Quest Award. His current field of research are ear surgeries, flexible endoscopy and pain management in small mammals.

Live Webinars

This webinar starts at 19:30 AEST
on June 13, 2024.

1 Structured CE Credit

Race Approval Pending

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Dr Philip Judge

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Clin Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)
Philip graduated from Massey University in New Zealand in 1992, and spent 7 years in small animal practice before undertaking a 3-year residency in veterinary emergency and critical care at the University of Melbourne in 1998.

Following his residency, Philip worked for nearly 6 years at the Animal Emergency Centre in Melbourne, becoming the Senior Veterinarian at the centre in 2004. In 2006, Philip undertook a 1-year surgical externship before moving to Townsville to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care at JCU.
Philip is also co-founder, and director of Vet Education Pty Ltd ( – one of Australia’s leading providers of online continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary nurses.

Philip has published numerous manuals and guides concerning emergency medicine, including a CRI manual, haematology and biochemistry interpretation guide, emergency anaesthesia guide, and a ventilation therapy manual for small animals, in addition to being published in peer reviewed literature.

Philip’s key interests in veterinary science include respiratory emergencies, ventilation therapy, envenomations and toxicology.